The journey of C&O 8272 has been a long and winding road – in more ways than one! From the quiet arrival to the shops in Huntington, WV, to its arrival at Downing Avenue Yard in Erie. Delays in departure, a brief delay due to a lightning struck signal near Attica Junction, Ohio, a mysterious delay at Downing Avenue Yard. Now she visits her birthplace inside the hallowed halls of GE repeating a moment of history. Soon she will complete her journey to join her new family at Lake Shore Railway Museum.
C&O #8272, the General Electric Dash-7 locomotive cosmetically restored and donated by CSX to Lake Shore Railway Historical Society will be briefly returning to its birthplace—the Erie General Electric locomotive assembly plant before being delivered to Lake Shore Railway Museum in North East.
Lake Shore Railway Historical Society’s “Locomotives that Dad & Grandpa Built Collection” is growing in North East and there may never be an opportunity as convenient as now for a member of that collection to “visit home.”
To all our families at General Electric, past and present, thank you from Lake Shore Railway Historical Society—we hope you get a chance to enjoy the visit of C&O #8272 to the Erie GE Plant and we hope that you stop in often to visit it and the other GE locomotives at the Lake Shore Railway Museum in North East.